
The creative activity manifested itself in the early childhood thanks to Oxana’s father Nazarova Ivana, the member of Artists' Union of Russia and other painters of the Soviet period.

Constant creative ambiance, plein air trips, various exhibitions played a great role in development of Oxana’s creative thinking.The first child’s drawings reflected the perception of the world, childhood experiences. Everything was expressed through the transformation of the forms, geometric and abstract lines together with the variety of the colours.

Oxana graduated from The Moscow College of Art Crafts with specialitypainter and designer decorator in 2000.

The main course was the decorative solution for the small sized interiors, work with different materials such as leather, fabrics as well as working out the stained-glass windows and painting.
Oxana graduated from the Moscow State Regional University (teacher's training college/ pedagogical institute named after Krupskaya N.K.) specializing in “Oil painting” in 2005. An additional course “Ornamental composition” strengthened the perception of the artistic image through geometry.

After graduation from the university, she could put her dreams into reality to become a designer –decorator and work out the projects. In particular, Oxana made the interior designs specializing in famous nurseries the Vibel Company.
Few years Oxana worked as a designer-decorator in the showroom Promemoria Moscow. Creator of this refined furniture Romeo Sozzi is well known all over the world. He also influenced a lot on the artists’ creative works.


The creative activity manifested itself in the early childhood thanks to Oxana’s father Nazarova Ivana, the member of Artists' Union of Russia and other painters of the Soviet period.

Constant creative ambiance, plein air trips, various exhibitions played a great role in development of Oxana’s creative thinking.The first child’s drawings reflected the perception of the world, childhood experiences. Everything was expressed through the transformation of the forms, geometric and abstract lines together with the variety of the colours.

Oxana graduated from The Moscow College of Art Crafts with specialitypainter and designer decorator in 2000.

The main course was the decorative solution for the small sized interiors, work with different materials such as leather, fabrics as well as working out the stained-glass windows and painting.
Oxana graduated from the Moscow State Regional University (teacher's training college/ pedagogical institute named after Krupskaya N.K.) specializing in “Oil painting” in 2005. An additional course “Ornamental composition” strengthened the perception of the artistic image through geometry.

After graduation from the university, she could put her dreams into reality to become a designer –decorator and work out the projects. In particular, Oxana made the interior designs specializing in famous nurseries the Vibel Company.
Few years Oxana worked as a designer-decorator in the showroom Promemoria Moscow. Creator of this refined furniture Romeo Sozzi is well known all over the world. He also influenced a lot on the artists’ creative works.
In parallel, Oxana worked on sketches, projects, conceived as in student years,
and quite recently.

Oxana is focused on the development of her own style now- creating of the paintings especially for the projects and already existing interiors designed by famous architects and designers.

A special attention is paid not to the interior itself but more to creation of ambiance and reflection of the inner world of the person living in this space. It creates a special mood, fills the space with different emotions and unite versatile elements into a single entity. It is like a kaleidoscope that makes a real masterpiece from different small pieces of glass.

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